Say Yes! to Christ

“We understand that this saying YES! or Recommitment can feel really complicated, but let us assure you it’s not. Jesus wants a personal relationship with you. That’s it. There are elements to growth, and we’ll get there… but before we do, if you are ready to say YES! or to recommit your life, we invite you to pray the following (feel free to use your words and make it your own)

"Heavenly Father,
I have failed many times in my life, and I am not perfect. I have searched many places for peace and not found it. I am tired of my way of living and ask for your help.

Today, God, will you come into my life? Forgive me of all of my past sins. I believe that Jesus died for me. Help me live each day the way You want me to live. Surround me with friends that encourage me to live for You. Give me discipline to attend and be part of a church family.

Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me a second chance in life. From this moment on, I will follow you.
If you said YES! today or made a recommitment, we would like to share in this great moment! Please fill out the contact card and put what took place in your heart and life. Looking forward to our journey together as you continually say YES to Jesus in your life.